XM42 Lite


The much awaited XM42 Lite flamethrower!  The world’s most affordable flamethrower.

Introduced as a more budget friendly option, the XM42 Lite looks to bring handheld flamethrowers to those unable or unwilling to spend what it takes to obtain a full featured XM42-M.

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XM42 Lite Flamethrower

Made In The USA!

Brand new from Flash Point Industries!  The much awaited XM42 Lite flamethrower!  The world’s most affordable flamethrower.

Introduced as a more budget friendly option, the XM42 Lite looks to bring handheld flamethrowers to those unable or unwilling to spend what it takes to obtain a full featured XM42-M.


By agreeing to purchase and/or receive a model of the XM42 Lite from HIPP CUSTOMS, you understand and acknowledge that use of the XM42 Lite may result in injury or even death. In recognition of the inherent risks of the XM42 Lite, you confirm that you are physically and mentally capable of handling, operating, and/or using the XM42 Lite. You further confirm that you will not permit anyone under the age of 18, or anyone over 18 who you do not believe is mentally capable, to handle, use, or operate the XM42 Lite. You participate willingly and voluntarily and assume full responsibility for personal injury, accidents, or illness, including death. You also assume responsibility for damage to or loss of personal property as the result of an accident.
